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AALL 2009
Page history
last edited
by Bonnie Shucha 13 years, 3 months ago
CS-SIS Activities at the 2009 AALL Annual Meeting in Washington DC
Saturday, July 25th, 2009
- Cool Tools: The Workshop (full day workshop), 8:30 am, Georgetown Law
- CONELL Marketplace, 10:30 am, WCC 146A: come see our CS SIS table!
- Lawberry Camp, An “Unconference” 3 hours, 3:00 pm, WCC 156
- Alphabet Soup Reception, 90 minutes, 7:00 pm, Ren. Ballroom West
Sunday, July 26, 2009
- Reception for Web 2.0 Challengers (discussion with snacks for the 2008/9 Web 2.0 Challenge), 75 minutes, 12:00 pm, Ren. Congressional Hall A
- A-1, Making Your ILS Web 2.0 Happy,* 75 minutes, 1:30 pm, WCC 145
- A-2, Beyond Copyright?: How Licensing Agreements and Digital Rights Management Pose Challenges to Fair Use and the Provision of Electronic or Media Services,* 75 minutes, 1:30 pm, WCC 152
- C-1, Network Neutrality: The Debate Over the Internet Superhighway, 60 minutes, 4:15 pm, WCC 145
- CS HOT TOPIC: Connie Crosby on 'Why Librarians Should Care About Emerging Technologies," 60 minutes, 5:30 pm, WCC 144.
Monday, July 27, 2009
- D-1, I Want My Web 2.0: Lessons from the Web 2.0 Challenge Everyone Can Use (or "Get your MySpace for nothing and your RSS for free."), 60 minutes, 8:45 am, WCC 145
- Roundtable Discussion: Mashing Up the White House, 60 minutes, 10:45 am, Rens. Room 2 -- Handout, Potential Discussion Topics, and Additional Information
- CS Open Program Planning Meeting 2010 (brown bag - everyone welcome!), 75 minutes, 12:00 pm, WCC 158
- G-4, WYDSIWYG: What You Don't See Is What You Don't Get, 75 minutes, 4:00 pm, WCC 150
- Bloggers Get Together, 5:30 pm, Old Dominion Brew House, 1219 9th St, NW
- Karaoke with Ken (a CS SIS institution!!) 9:15 pm, Café Japone, 2032 P St NW
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
- CS Breakfast Business Meeting and Awards, 1 hr. 45 minutes, 7:00 am, Rens. Rm 3 (tickets req’d)
- H-2, Web 2.0 Driving Innovation in the Law Firm Library, 90 minutes, 9:00 am, WCC 146
- K-1, Vlogging for Law Libraries, 30 minutes, 3:30 pm, WCC 145
* We know there is a conflict with these two programs and we will try to make both available on the CS web site.
A PDF handout of CS-SIS events is also available. Or see ScheduAALL for an interactive list of CS-SIS Activities. SchedulAALL was created by CS-SIS member, Tom Boone.
See also the unofficial conference wiki prepared by another CS-SIS member, Sarah Glassmeyer.
AALL 2009
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