
Room Scheduling Programs

Page history last edited by Kincaid Brown 13 years, 8 months ago

We wanted to adopt a room reservation system where the law students could reserve a group study room on the web and that was easy to use and to administer.


The programs that we explored were:

  • Appointment Plus (http://www.appointment-plus.com/).  This is the product that we ended up choosing.  The cost was ($399/yr).  Students are able to register to create accounts for themselves.  They are able to see the availability of each room at one time to make reserving a room easy.  Email notifications work well and are customizable.  The site is easy to administer and includes options for seasonal closure time changes; allowing for different room sizes (so students know up front how many should be able to fit in the room); and, reservation length time limits.  It is also possible to load a patron database instead of making patrons register as they need to reserve a room; this brings the cost up to ($799/yr).
  • Netsimplicity (http://www.netsimplicity.com/). This tied to Outlook so was not a good choice for us for a patron access point and was a little more than we were looking for.  It is a hosted service for $2100/yr.
  • Web-Appointmenthttp://www.web-appointments.com/).  The cost was ($9.90/mo).  Students are able to register to create their own account.  Only one room's availability could be seen at a time which was a problem for us if we wanted to allow students the ability to readily compare the different rooms.  When we tested it there was also no indication of when a room was already booked.  When we tested it no email notifications were received.


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