
Recruitment and Involvement Committee

Page history last edited by Meg Kribble 13 years, 2 months ago

The Recruitment and Involvement Committee is responsible for recruiting new AALL members to join CS-SIS and coordinating activities for current members. Per the 2011 Strategic Plan, it aids in executing Strategic Direction V: Strengthen Membership and Leadership.


The Recruitment Committee is chaired by a member of the CS-SIS.


Led by its chair, the committee:

  • coordinates CS-SIS presence at the CONELL Marketplace; this may involve:
    • selecting and ordering promotional items
    • setting up a table with our brochure, promotional items, a list of CS programs, invitation to attend CS events such as Karaoke night and Bloggers Get Together
    • greeting CONELL attendees and encouraging them to join CS-SIS
    • encouraging new members and CONELL attendees to attend the annual joint (Alphabet Soup) reception, encouraging established members to invite and accompany them
    • video recording CONELL members who wish to introduce themselves and working with the Communications Committee or Archives Subcomittee to place recordings on the website
  • coordinates CS-SIS display for the Activities Table in the Exhibit Hall; this may involve:
    • selecting and ordering promotional items
    • setting up a table with our brochure, promotional items, a list of CS programs, invitation to attend CS events such as Karaoke night and Bloggers get together
  • encourages involvement with mentoring opportunities within AALL and CS-SIS
  • solicits volunteers for committees and works with CS-SIS chair to make committee assignments.  With committee chairs, notifies volunteers of appointments
  • contacts non-member participants of CS events, such as a Web 2.0 Challenge, and encourages them to join
  • works with the CS SIS secretary to identify new SIS members, encouraging participation in the SIS early in their careers


The chair:

  • recommends a new (<4 year) member of the profession to serve on the Program Planning Committee
  • reports briefly on the committee's activities at the CS-SIS business meeting.
  • submits a written report to the CS-SIS Chair detailing the committee's activities according to the deadline set by the Chair each year; sends a copy of the report to the Secretary / Treasurer

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