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Program Planning Committee

Page history last edited by Meg Kribble 13 years ago

The Program Planning Committee is charged with  soliciting, coordinating, and submitting programs for the AALL Annual Meeting that meet the basic and advanced educational needs of the CS-SIS Membership. Per the 2011 Strategic Plan, it aids in executing Strategic Direction III: Education.


The Program Planning Committee is chaired by the CS-SIS Chair. The Vice Chair, Senior Member at Large, chair of the Education Committee, and a new (<4 year) member of the profession identified by the Recruitment and Involvement Committee Chair make up the rest of the committee, with the Senior MAL in charge of non-AMPC programming.  The remainder of the Executive Board assists in prioritizing the submission of the programs.


Led by its chair, the committee:

  • solicits program ideas from the Membership
  • suggests revisions of proposals based on AALL guidelines and best practices (suggestion: ask proposal writers to send drafts to the Chair ten days before AMPC deadline to allow time for review)
  • seeks other AALL SIS and AALL Committee programming partners when appropriate
  • after list of accepted programs has been received from AMPC, identify programs, roundtables and workshops which CS may want to sponsor ourselves


The chair:

  • schedules and presides at program planning meeting at the CALI Conference
  • presides at program planning meeting at prior year's AALL annual meeting
  • prepares list of program ideas, who recommended, possible speakers & coordinators; updates the planning page on the wiki
  • coordinates program proposals by CS members
  • makes sure program proposals are submitted on time to AMPC
  • after AMPC sends back list of all submitted CS sponsored programs, prioritizes programs with assistance of Executive Board
  • prepares the time schedule (matrix) for all CS-sponsored activities at the AALL annual meeting, including section-sponsored programs, business and board meetings, standing and ad hoc committee meetings, and roundtables
  • reports briefly on the committee's activities at the CS-SIS business meeting
  • submits a written report to the CS-SIS Chair detailing the committee's activities according to the deadline set by the Chair each year; sends a copy of the report to the Secretary / Treasurer


For more information, see the AALL Program Planners Handbook at http://www.aallnet.org/events/ProgramPlannersHandbook.pdf and previous program planning pages on this wiki.

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